Joanna (Jo) Loveland

Hi there, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Joanna and I created LovelandHealing as a way to help those around me heal. Back in 2003, I went through some very intense chemotherapy and I ached from all the medications working throughout my body. What seemed to give me temporary relief at the time was soaking in a hot bath to take away the aches and pains. Daily baths then became a necessity throughout my chemo sessions. Years later, I find myself again soaking in hot baths with epsom salt after a workout session and finding some relief from that workout soreness. I had forgotten how much healing and release I got from soaking in those hot epsom salt baths. I started making bath salt jars as birthday gifts for my close friends and as thank you gifts for my kids teachers. Then came the start of LovelandHealing. I wanted to share the healing I found with more than just those around me. I wanted to reach out to as many people as I could. For me, self care is one of those things that I often neglect as a wife, mother, sister, and friend. I always felt selfish taking time for myself and it was always last on my list. As I have gotten older, I‘ve realized how important self care and healing really are. I’m here to help you on your self-care journey and to let you know it’s ok to put yourself first. I hope you enjoy the products I have made for you as each individual product is made with love and care. I graduated as a Certified Foot Zone Practitioner as a way to help others with their healing journey. Foot zoning is a way of helping your body become balanced so that you may move forward with more energy, better sleep, and overall improved happiness. I hope that you can take that step towards putting yourself first and as always, Heal with ❤️ Love.