
Sharon Wheeler

Sharon Wheeler

I am a certified Medical Qigong Practitioner.
I am dedicated to bringing the art of ancient Chinese Healing and to optimize and restore the original energy to the body, mind and Spirit. Called Jing, Qi, Shen.

I help

  • Purge, which is to rid and remove unwanted energies.
  • Tonify, to increase good energy with sound and/or vibration.
  • Regulate, balancing and maintaining the body’s energy.
  • And protect, to keep all three energy bodies safe.

Qigong is pronounced “chi gong”
Qi: Universal Life Force
Gong: Requires Time and Application

Qigong is described as practices that stimulate and strengthen the body’s energy system.

Qigong is the essence of Tai Chi in Chinese Martial health arts.

The benefits of Qigong are

  • Tranquility
  • Calmness
  • Energize
  • Better overall health and
  • Well-being, just to name a few!

Medical Qigong helps to heal the self and others!

Qigong has been around for over 5,000 years and has endless possibilities of healing!